How to avoid sharing compromising moments on Facebook ////
It’s very likely that you’re reading this article with your Facebook account open. The social network, created by Mark Zuckerberg, is arguably the most important in the world. According to figures reported this past summer, Facebook already has more than 2 billion users; in other words, one in four people on this planet has an account.
Despite this incredible figure, the data also says that very few people know how to make the most of their Facebook account. What does this mean? For one, they don’t take basic actions to protect their security and avoid sharing compromising moments on the social network.
We’ll show you three simple tricks to keep your Facebook account secure and hopefully humiliation-free. The rest is up to you.
Who can see my stuff …
The first thing is to go to the tab that appears on the right of the question mark and click on Settings. Once there, the insides of Facebook will be at our disposal via a page that shows your privacy on the social network. Yes, the first section there is the most important of all.
Mind you, the first section you should click on is: Who can see my stuff? Our advice is to simply select just Friends. This way, all your content will be protected from the eyes of those who want to spy on your account (they won’t be able to access your photos or posts).
On the other hand, in case you don’t like to get friend requests, changing the settings of Who can send you friend requests? is another section you should keep in mind
Timeline and tagging ..
We’ve already restricted access to just our friends. Now it’s time to avoid sharing awkward moments on our account, because even friends don’t want to see that.
In the section Timeline and tagging, we have a wide range of options to avoid having posts that we’re tagged in appear on our personal profile. So, let’s give a typical practical example: A friend uploads a photo of you drinking a beer, and you don’t want your coworkers to see it, especially your boss.
To prevent this, you only need to go to the Tagging section and change the subsection Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your timeline? Choose the one that best fits your needs and say bye-bye to trouble.
The last trick is on this same screen in the Review section. If you look carefully, you’ll see a section called Review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your timeline? As the question suggests, this is a preliminary step to tagging (as we mentioned before). So, if you don’t want to be so strict about people seeing your tagged photos, you can always enable manual review to decide which posts go through your personal filter.
This is a recommended feature if you want some photos you’re tagged in to be visible to your friends. So, if you’re popular, get ready for a barrage of notifications!